You had an emergency, and even though you were out on parole, it meant you had to violate one of the terms of the agreement. You left the area, and now you're worried that an arrest warrant may be out for you.The first thing you should always do if you think you've...
Month: January 2018
Know your Miranda rights to protect yourself
If you've been arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it's important that you understand how your Miranda rights could affect your case. While you may be familiar with Miranda rights from television, the truth is that they're not as...
Pseudoephedrine: What you should know about possession
In 2006, products containing ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and pseudoephedrine were restricted on the market. The Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 bans the sale of any over-the-counter cold medicines that contain pseudoephedrine. If you want to purchase...
A DUI conviction in Virginia is a big deal
It doesn't matter if you live in the state of Virginia or another part of the country, a DUI conviction can change your life in many ways.With this in mind, an arrest for driving under the influence is something you should take seriously. It's up to you to understand...
Will you go to prison if you violate probation?
Your probation officer was clear: You have to follow orders or you'll end up back in court. The last thing you want is to go back to jail or to be penalized, so you did your best to follow through on the court orders.Unfortunately, an emergency in the family called...
Drunk driving decreases thanks to ride-share services
New Year's Eve was a lot of fun for many people, but it also had its innate risks. Drivers still got behind the wheel while intoxicated, and that means that people still got hurt. As one of the most popular holidays for partygoers, New Year's Eve creates a hazard each...