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Post-divorce co-parenting tips

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2024 | Family Law |

Divorce can be tough, especially when the couple has children. But just because a marriage ends does not mean parenting has to suffer.

With commitment and communication, co-parenting after divorce can be successful.

Set clear expectations

Establishing clear expectations is key to a harmonious co-parenting relationship. Sit down with your ex-partner and discuss important matters, such as visitation schedules, holidays and decision-making processes regarding the children.

Communicate openly and respectfully

Poor communication may have contributed to the 989,518 divorces in 2022. However, effective communication is important for successful co-parenting. Keep conversations focused on the children and their well-being. Be open to discussing concerns and be flexible when making arrangements. Respect each other’s opinions. Use text messages, emails or co-parenting apps to stay connected.

Prioritize consistency

Consistency provides stability for children amidst the changes that come with divorce. Stick to the agreed-upon schedules and routines as much as possible. This includes bedtime routines, meal times and disciplinary measures.

Show support for each other

Supporting each other as co-parents sets a positive example for the children. Acknowledge your ex-partner’s efforts in parenting and show appreciation for their involvement. Be willing to help with childcare or logistical arrangements.

Keep conflict away from the children

Never place children in the middle of parental conflicts. Keep disagreements private and away from the children’s ears. Refrain from speaking negatively about your ex-partner in front of the kids, as this can cause emotional harm. Focus on fostering a healthy co-parenting dynamic built on respect and cooperation.

Seek professional help if needed

Consider seeking the guidance of a family therapist or counselor to navigate complex issues and improve communication. Therapy can provide valuable tools and strategies for overcoming obstacles and strengthening the co-parenting relationship.

Remember, your children’s well-being should always be the top priority.