Just the same as illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, many people find themselves addicted to prescription medications. On the surface, it doesn’t sound nearly as serious, but it can cause just as much trouble in your life.
Prescription drug fraud is a serious crime that carries hefty penalties if convicted. For this reason, it’s critical to understand the many types of fraud, as well as the steps you can take to protect your legal rights should you be charged with a crime.
Here are some of the most common forms of prescription drug fraud:
- Doctor shopping: A single doctor can only prescribe you so much medication at one time. So, you get the idea that it’s okay to visit a variety of doctors to get your hands on more medication. If you do so, without telling each doctor that you are already taking the medication, it can fall under the umbrella of prescription drug fraud.
- Forging prescriptions: For example, if you have an old prescription that you can’t use because it’s expired, you change the date. Or maybe you steal your doctor’s prescription pad so you can write your own prescriptions. These are both examples of forging prescriptions.
- Impersonating a medical professional: This typically entails calling a pharmacy and acting like you are a doctor or nurse in an attempt to falsely fill a prescription.
- Altering a prescription: There are many ways to alter a prescription, including the date and the drug quantity. For instance, if your doctor only prescribes you with a 30 day dose of a particular drug, you may attempt to alter it to 60 days so you have more.
Not only can prescription drug fraud lead to serious trouble with the law, but it typically means you have a personal problem. More specifically, you may find that you’re violating the law because you’re addicted to the drug.
If you’re charged with prescription drug fraud or a related crime, learn more about the circumstances surrounding your case. Doing so will help you settle on a defense strategy. Along with this, even if you’re in denial, think long and hard about whether you require professional guidance to overcome an addiction.